Easter with Toddlers

This Easter is a little different from others… Because now I have a toddler! Evie is almost 2 and right into anything messy. My aim today was to create a few Easter drawings for her great grandparents. We ventured into painting with brushes and using the most fabulous drawing product I’ve come across, Crayola Twistable Slick Sticks. Painting was great fun but wow it covered me, her and the deck! The crayons were a delight and although a little messy they were so smooth to draw with. The slightest touch and they produced beautiful marks. Crayola suggest using them on all sorts of surfaces. I experimented with them on tin foil and they shimmer; perfect for Rainbow Fish art? Might try that at school.



Mothers’ Day

Mothers' Day

There’s always one child who says their mother doesn’t actually drink tea, but for the majority of the class this crafty little card seems to work a treat. We had a selection of gorgeous paper designs available and encouraged the students to choose a contrasting colour for the card background. We gave them a template for the teacup and had to remind them to leave the top of the teacup unglued so the teabag could be poked into the pouch. Pardon the pun (and the misplaced apostrophe). Adds to the cuteness factor though I believe.